At GreatGrub you will find stories, recipes, advice and all things food, written by people who care about what they eat and how they eat it. And to share your own experiences or favorite dishes, simply register and get writing.[more]

Fajita Marinade

This is a flavorful alternative to the delicious and simple flank steak recipe. Serve this with corn tortillias and grilled onions and sweet peppers. [more]

Egg for Sheila

England, early 1940. We haven’t yet experienced the bombing of our cities. Town children are sent away to the country where it is thought they will be safe from the inevitable onslaught from the … [more]

Harvey Wallbanger

Rumor has it that this cocktail is named after a drunken surfer circa 1950 who after wiping out of the big surf competition, drowned his sorrows with in this screwdriver with the addition of Galliano … [more]

Doing it Alone

You’ve always been sociable, enjoying, with your partner, the preparation of great meals and the pleasure you get from sharing a good gastronomic evening with friends. But what if something … [more]

Seasoning a pan

Seasoning a pan correctly in effect makes it non-stick without using all those nasty chemicals. Reactive cookware made out of cast iron needs to be seasoned to create a protective barrier (carbon) … [more]