
Our Favorite Things

GreatGrub Recommendations is the place to find what food lovers love.

So if you have that tool you just can’t live without, that book that changed the way you eat, or a shop that has the kitchen stuff you dream about then this is the place to Share the Wealth.

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What we’re using

Collapsible Colander

Not only are these colanders excellent for the storage impaired, but they have the added benefit of being completely non-stick. That they come in cool colors and look nice is certainly a bonus. They … [more]

What we’re reading

Doing it Alone

You’ve always been sociable, enjoying, with your partner, the preparation of great meals and the pleasure you get from sharing a good gastronomic evening with friends. But what if something … [more]

Where we’re eating

Royal China

Try any of the Royal China chain of restaurants for the best dim sum in London. I have eaten here with Hong Kong aficionados who tell me this is as good as it gets. Get there early at the weekends to … [more]