
Got Malt?

When the farmer is away the cows will play! It was the milk and whisky that landed this bovine on the wrong side of a Monday morning, but with these great tags you will find far more savory recipes to guide your culinary journeys: : Cocktails, Starters, Soups, Mains, Sides, Desserts, Kids, Cookies, Party Food, Vegan and, Vegetarian.

Recommended recipes
On the menu

Linguine with clams

This dish requires a little bit of work, but trust me it’s worth it. My obsession began with a simple outing to our favorite Italian restaurant. I had always thought of linguine with clams as a … [more]

For the sweet tooth

Scottish Shortbread

I have traced my Scottish side of my family. It is appropriate that I make something good in rememberance. This makes a nice gift. Nollaig Chridheil Dhuibh agus Bliadhna Mhath Úr! (Merry christmas … [more]

At the bar

Fluffy Duck

I have had some request for this cocktail. Granted, the name probably could use some re-vamping but your not going to forget this one. After you taste this cocktail, you’ll be plucking these drinks … [more]