


I have heard farmers say the best way to cook rapini is to fry it quickly in some olive oil without blanching first.

I was searching for recipes on the web, and every one insisted that the rapini has to be blanched before it is fried. Does anyone have any experience of cooking this that could help me? I want to get it just right. Thanks.

Re: Rapini

The idea of blanching is to remove a little of the bitterness, but it is the bitterness that makes the Rapini unique. Yes, olive oil and freshly sliced garlic salt and pepper and you are done..delicious.. Can be served over Penne with freshly shaved parmesan.

Re: Rapini

I’m with Lyonsy. I love the bitterness and stir fry my rapini with olive oil and garlic. No blanching here.

Re: Rapini

Thanks boys. Fry-up tonight then!