Katrina Kruczko
Slatington, 18080, United States
I absolutely love to cook. I consider myself an experimenter in the kitchen.
Nice story, Andrew.
By contrast, a couple of days ago I was making a Chinese minced pork and tofu dish (the pork had been marinating in Chinese spices for hours) when my daughter announced that she wanted spaghetti meatballs.
I am not usually given to pandering to her every whim, but in this instance it seemed little effort to roll small balls from the aforementioned pork and gently turn them over in shallow pan, before adding them to spaghetti.
It was a triumph… so much so that I cooked it a few days later for all the family.
I too love experimenting in the kitchen. I think you can gain tremendous positives from both your successes and your failures!
Hi Katrina —
I love to hear about people who enjoy experimenting in the kitchen. Any chance we can get you to share some of your success? Catastrophes?
My worst experience in experimentation was Beer Soup. It was for a gourmet night and the theme was German cuisine. I don’t know if I used the wrong kind of beer but it was just about the most bitter foul thing I have ever produced. Boy do I wish I had stuck to the original recipe!
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