
David's posts

Pan-roasted fennel

When I first prepared this wonderful method of cooking fennel, I was gob-smacked. It is that good. I am not given to hyperbole, and I get irritated when recipes suggest that “this is … [more]

Rocket pesto

I make this in England and people get upset that my pesto has no basil in it. It’s not like there’s a rule that says pesto has to have basil in it . In fact, there are no rules in the … [more]

Carrot and coriander soup

It was an overcast weekend and there was a definite chill in the air. Andrew and I were hosting a dinner party and it needed to start with some soul-warming soup. At the farmers’ market we … [more]

Pimm's Number 1 Cup

British summers… strawberries and cream, punting at Oxford (go, look it up), 5-day cricket matches and that most qunintessential of English refreshments, Pimm’s (formally known as … [more]

She likes clams

I was chatting with a friend of mine about food. We were discussing our favourite dishes. She initially brought my attention to her love of fish, particularly whole fish (“with the eyes in”, she … [more]

Posh hummus

I don’t make humous anymore. I tried a number of times but I never managed to get it quite as good as the stuff I buy at my local supermarket. I snazz it up a little with this simplest of … [more]

Devon scones

Before you die I urge you to visit Devon. OK, so you have made a promise to get to Venice before Alzheimer’s sets in, but… Let me paint a picture. Imagine a place where the North Atlantic … [more]

Is that oyster sauce in my gravy?

I took my daughter, Lucy, to Toronto to meet her Chinese Canadian grand god-parents and celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with them. In Mike and Shirley’s house at Thanksgiving, like so many across … [more]

No secrets

My Auntie Fay made the best apple strudel I have eaten. She took the recipe to her grave, as far as I know. I used to ask her each time I saw her how she made it, but she refused to divulge her … [more]

Hot toddy

There is nothing good about having a dreadful cold and feeling like flu is about take its hold on you. Well, this drink perhaps is the only good thing about being sick, provided you have a loved one … [more]