What people are shouting

Sundays are for cooking. Tonight I am grilling grass fed rib eye and I am taking my sweet time mulling over the other possibilities.

Last night I made Summer flank steak with Israeli Couscous it was delicious! I am embarrassed to admit this, but for as many times as I have made the flank steak I have never cooked it on charcoal. Oh is it nice!

Drizzle, I love your wine reviews. What’s next?

Here is my infamous Pear tartin…

I do not have a recipe per se…other than a classic pate sucree (from Larousse gastronomme) and a cast iron skillet. I use Bosc pears (8-6 if very large) as they hold shape. Put sugar on skillet over super low heat..maybe 1 ½ cups and let it melt slowly taking care to not let it burn..if it even slightly burns ..toss it and start again. Peel. ½ and core pears and keep in lemon water to prevent browning. When sugar is melted place pears ½ side up nestled into one another..pack them in as they shrink during cooking..fill centre with two ½’s Add about ¼ cup lemon juice (Meyer if you can get it and just a little zest..the zest is my quirky addition!) and about 2 tbls butter. Cook pears in skillet on stove for about 20 mins until the juice released has evaporated and the caramel sauce is bubbly. Cool. Have pate sucree chilled in fridge for at least an hr..so make it first.

Roll out (about ¼ inch not too thin though) and place on top of COOLED pears..other wise it will begin to melt and holes will appear. Press pastry down gently around edges. Bake in 375 degree oven for about 30 mins until pastry is lightly browned. Remove and do not flip over until just about to serve..it will ruin the crispy texture of pastry if allowed to sit in juices. Heat over skillet for a min if it has cooled a lot to release it prior to flipping.

Meatloaf! I’m looking for a good meatloaf recipe.

Shari I bet you have some beautiful pictures from some of your theme parties. I would love to see some as I am sure your tablescapes would inspire the rest of us.

I had lunch today with Lyonsy and Andrew. We sat in the corner of Armandine (which deserves a recommendation) for 2 hours eating and talking food. A dozen and more stories were exchanged. This is how lunch (or breakfast or dinner) should be.

I’m getting hungry just looking at these pictures! Oh what I could do in the kitchen if I had a golden garden like this. Your clients are very lucky indeed.

What’s growing in my garden you ask? Let me show you pics of my most recent potager. It may not be my garden it is growing in as this is growing in a clients garden.

I planted:

Box 1 (Starting left to right from hedge) Canary Sage Tomatilla Verde Black brandywine Tomato Lemon Thyme Lemon Basil “Mrs Burns” Sage “Bergarten” Green Bunching Onions Sweet Italian Basil x 3

Box 2 Tomatilla Verde Zapotec Pink Ribbed Tomato Brandywine Heirloom Artichoke Musk Melon Crenshaw x2 Stevia Winter Savory Italian Parsley Green Bunching Onions Sweet Italian Basil x 3

Box 3 Bronze Fennell Lemon Boy Tomato Green Zebra Tomato French Tarragon San Marzano Tomato x 2 Oregano Jalapeno Peppers x 2 Long Sweet Italian Peppers x 3 Chives

Box 4 Arugula x 2 Marjoram Sungold Tomato Sweet Million Dill Chives Beans x 5

I was asked today where one might find the best burger in LA. I replied at home.
