Point Reyes Farmer's Market

Downtown Point Reyes Station
Saturdays, 9a to 1p
July through October
Marin County is an enchanted place and at the heart of that enchantment lies the town of Point Reyes which boasts the only all Organic Feedmarket in the bay area. Rest assured that this market is no tourist extravaganza. Instead local farmers sell some of the freshest and tastiest produce that you have ever laid hands on. So whether you are looking for a Saturday outing with in driving distance of San Francisco, visiting the area on Holiday or happen to be lucky enough to live near by, be sure to visit the Point Reyes Farmer’s Market and load up on enough fresh fruit and veg to get you through the week.
I also enjoyed the Bacon Grilled Cheese Sandwich sold in the back of the market. Apparently they are a local speciality.
I love this market. After buying your fruits & veggies, make sure to stop by Cowgirl Creamery for some delicious cheese.