
RSS Recipe feed

It’d be great to get an RSS feed for your Recommended Recipe section. Is this in the works? (Or is it already available and I just haven’t found out how to access it…?)

Re: RSS Recipe feed

You can get some RSS feeds right now. You can get one for a forum (the link for forum is on the Support and BETA feedback home page). You can also get a feed for a tag (such as from kids). You can get to these by clicking on a popular tag or a tag on a recipe.

We’ll be extending the RSS support at some point, but our feeling is that most of our users don’t really know what RSS is yet. You are right of course that having a feed for recommended recipes would be very sensible.

In the next week or two you will be able to set “watches” on content (from particular authors or with particular tags) and soon after we will allow you to choose to be notified by email when such new content appears.