
Osem Israeli couscous

This is my favorite couscous due in no small part to the larger size of the pasta. Most forms of couscous are tiny — too tiny for my taste buds — while these are bigger and in my book tastier. This is a great side when you want something light and flavorful to complement your meal be it chicken, lamb or fish.

See my recipe for one possible suggestion on how to prepare.

Re: Osem Israeli couscous

I totally agree with the toasted flavor and the size of the pasta! I need someone to tell me where I can purchase this in the Tampa Bay, Fl area. I have looked in the major marketing grocery stores, but not the specialty stores. I will Drive! Thanks!

Re: Osem Israeli couscous

Save yourself the gas and consider buying the couscous from Amazon. They deliver to your door and the shipping will likely be less than the time and cost of driving all over town.