What's you're favorite cocktail?

I like them big, I like the small, I like them all
Give me sweet ones with fruit, hot ones with cream
Pour me strong ones, sour ones, bitter ones on the side
I like them, I mean I really like them, I like all kinds of cocktails
Mix them, shake them, bring me one right now
Give me cocktails, lots of cocktails, I ‘d like one with every meal!
How’s that for a giddy little diddy?
My hands down all time favorite cocktail is the Meyer Lemon Sidecar. My highball is raised high in honor of JC Wilson who wrote that delightful recipe. It changed my life for the better.
Woe is me, however, for this delicious treat with a hint of bubble gum is seasonal. I find myself wandering the farmer’s markets searching in vain for the bitter sweet fruit when it is out of season. Plain Jane sidecars simply won’t due.
So while I wait for my precious lemons to reappear, won’t you share with me you’re favorite cocktail?
My favorite is a minty mojito. The key ingredient is the mint - and the fresher the better. If you live in New York, Eli’s vinegar factory has very fresh spearmint. I also like to use 10 Cane Rum because it has a bite to it, but others like Flor de Cana. Both are available at Premier Cru, as well as other specialty wine and liquor shops. John’s recipe for mojitos is a classic.
For me it is the 3-2-1 Margarita which is saying a lot because I wrote the Simple margarita recipe.
I just mixed the most amazing margarita using Milagro Anejo tequila. I have no idea where the half empty bottle came from as I found it hidden in the back of my liquor cabinet. I suspect it was a brought by a guest for a party. The Milagro has a delicious smoky peet flavor of a quality scotch. It was hands down the best margarita I’ve had in a long long time. The peppery peet of a tequila like this would be lost in the sweetness of my recipe.
Lately my favorite cocktails have been the Meyer Lemon Sidecar and the Sazerac but I am really excited to try the Old Fashioned Whiskey Cocktail.
My new favorite cocktail is theOld Fashioned Whiskey Cocktail .
My husband likes Bitter Martini.
For parties we will often make a pitcher of Mojitos
I love the T.L.A.R. Mojito. Talk about refreshing!
I too am a big fan of the mojito. There is just something about the combination of rum, lime and mint that works really well.
I love a simple margarita before dinner and (for medicinal reasons) Bloody Mary for breakfast.
A Pimm’s in summer reminds me forever of England and a Gin and tonic my father.
But most of the time I’ll take my whisky neat.