

Lebanese Bread

I love good hummus and contrary to David’s opinion (see his recipe “ Posh humous” ) fresh hummus is better than store bought and you get a better deal than those over-priced tuna … [more]

Bread (baking)

When baking bread and it begins browning to fast, tent the bread. [more]

Paris Pastry

This is the place I go to for authentic French cream-filled chocolate eclairs. Yum. We also buy their white loafs every week. It has just the right combination of crispy crust with a soft yielding … [more]

Bread Freshness

Why is it some breads — like pita, rustic loaves, italian bread — do not usually develop mold over time, while most store bought sliced breads do so quickly. Is it the moisture content? [more]

Pizza dough - crispy

I’ve been making pizza at home for a while using the same recipe that is posted here on Great Grub. It’s delicious, but I’m looking for something that comes out crispier. I do use tomato sauce on my pizza, but am careful to put it on the rolled out dough just before it goes in the oven so that it won’t soak through. I bake the pizza at 500℉ on a pizza stone. It’s possible that the problem is the tomato sauce, but I’ve had pizza at pizza joints, who use tomato sauce and it comes out crispy. Is it the dough? Can someone reccomend a recipe that will come out crispier, or perhaps another technique? I’ve been told that the sort of mesh pizza pans are not the answer to this problem. I found another recipe online that did not call for letting the dough rise. It seemed very simple and claims to be crispy. Any thoughts?? [more]

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